Monday, December 3, 2012

haw to make snow flake cristels

  1. The first step of making borax crystal snowflakes is to make the snowflake shape. Cut a pipe cleaner into three equal sections.
  2. Twist the sections together at their centers to form a six-sided snowflake shape. Don't worry if an end isn't even, just trim to get the desired shape. The snowflake should fit inside the jar.
  3. Tie the string to the end of one of the snowflake arms. Tie the other end of the string to the pencil. You want the length to be such that the pencil hangs the snowflake into the jar.
  4. Fill the widemouth pint jar with boiling water.
  5. Add borax one tablespoon at a time to the boiling water, stirring to dissolve after each addition. The amount used is 3 tablespoons borax per cup of water. It is okay if some undissolved borax settles to the bottom of the jar.
  6. If desired, you may tint the mixture with food color.
  7. Hang the pipe cleaner snowflake into the jar so that the pencil rests on top of the jar and the snowflake is completely covered with liquid and hangs freely (not touching the bottom of the jar).
  8. Allow the jar to sit in an undisturbed location overnight.
  9. Look at the pretty crystals!!! You can hang your snowflake as a decoration or in a window to catch the sunlight :-)


  1. Borax is available at grocery stores in the laundry soap section, such as 20 Mule Team Borax Laundry Booster. Do not use Boraxo soap.
  2. Because boiling water is used and because borax isn't intended for eating, adult supervision is recommended for this project.
  3. If you can't find borax, you can use sugar or salt (may take longer to grow the crystals, so be patient). Add sugar or salt to the boiling water until it stops dissolving. Ideally you want no crystals at the bottom of the jar.

What You Need

  • string
  • wide mouth jar (pint)
  • white pipe cleaners
  • borax (see tips)
  • pencil
  • boiling water
  • blue food coloring (opt.)
  • scissors

Friday, November 30, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

1. What myths were presented in the video? 1. Hell boy myth. President Challenge.

2. What do the words busted, plausible and confirmed mean? Busted means not possible with all the variables. Plausible means could happen with added help. Confirmed mean possible the exact way stated.

3. Which myths were busted, which were not?all myths wher busted.

4. What would you have done differently in any of the experiments. Nothing I am not a scientist I have do not know were to start.

5. What myth would you like them to bust?Sasquatch

Monday, September 24, 2012

State the Problem: (a question)dus salt water effect plant groth?
Gather Information:
Hypothesis: (Statement, one sentence)I think that it will not grow.
Experiment Steps:
  1. get a cup 
  2.  put the lima bean in paper towel 
  3.  soak paper towel in salt water.
  4. and let it grow
Results (graphs, charts)
Conclusion: (3-7 sentences to wrap it all up)

Friday, August 24, 2012

1. What do you think the word adhesive means?hold together
2. How does a potato cannon work?yes
3. How did the duct tape potato cannon work compared to the real one?sorta

4.How did the duct tape work with lifting the car? grate2. How did the duct tape work with repairing the boat?it didint1.  5.Does a duct tape cannon work? yes 6. Can you really build a duct tape boat? yes 7. Name 3 or more things that you think you could make with duct tape.    walit  cup sper

Friday, August 17, 2012

Surface Tension
Surface Tension:
What you think will happen when the dishwasher soap is touched to the milk?
What really happened?
Why did it happen?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Science Experiment Egg Drop

We gust did egg drop.wI liked lasins experement.It was green appel balons and paper towals with a mous sisede bag with a egg of cors.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Science Experiment Egg Drop

It will take 45 cintemeters to brak an egg.It brakes at 13 citermeters.I think that the egg will have to have 34 pating .I was rong it tukes 10 paper toeles.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


thaer is more cells.
thar is guwy stof on the out side.
thay look  like benes.


bees look like so so so  cut.
thay help us.

thay sting and thay sting
thay skar some pepole

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Raising Axolototls

Wordes you need to know
External gills


A living animal that is not developed yet.A dady.

A frog goes through metamorphsis.

External gills

Larva look diffrent than adult's.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Science Worde of the the Day

  1. Neoteny. When an animal stays in the larvae form and can sill reproduce.Example :axolot
  2. Biological Indicator.The first living things to show stress or death with conditions change.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hypothesis, Theory and Laws

  1.    I think that tape water will grow better.
  2. I think that monkeys are smarter thin brides.
  3. A law (cannot be disproven)
  4. Law of  gravity.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sater the problem

does chocolate bad for you?
Is caffeine bad for you ?
Does Excedrin make kides hyper?

Friday, February 24, 2012

What is science

What is science
  • life
  • energy
  • lerning
  • limins in scinence
  • trying sumething new

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Science Demo - Resonance

1. What I think will happen when the sound is played for the wine glass is ...It will brake

2. What really happened was...It did not buge.

3. What does resonance have to do with bridge building? the workers have to make sure that when they build the bridge so that people cant make to much resonanace to were the bridge breaks.


1. Resonance -puting in energy

2. Hertz-how many times per second

3. Frequency-how many times something happens

4. Oscillate-    to move back and forth